Visitor: 2108
Company Profile

Company Background

Our company is teamed up by personnel with rich knowledge and experiences in Chinese medicine, medical knowledge and business management.  Since 2004, we have been dedicating ourselves to scientific research in the development of Chinese and western herbal preparations and health products as well as providing consultancy services for health service companies and organizations in Hong Kong.  Our research team comprises TCM (traditional Chinese medicine practitioners), Chinese medicine pharmacists and related medical professionals.  We conduct scientific and clinical research with clinical application to produce a series of low dosage but effective Chinese and western traditional herbal medicinal products and spice products.  

Our China factory has been accredited Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) that monitor our making of all products in compliance with the international safety and quality standards.

To meet the growing customer demands and for future development, we have acquired a dust-free pharmaceutical production premises in Hong Kong.  The production premises and facilities are complying with international GMP standard.

We are committed to protecting our environment, and are guided by corporate social responsibility in our business operation.

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